AutoShare post-release notes

AutoShare, a freeware EIMS companion application.
A list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh.
This document is copyright ©1997-1999 Mikael Hansen.

Please visit the online version of the post-release notes from time to time.

January 10 1999. A string to negative number conversion bug introduced in 3.0.3 has been fixed in 3.0.4b1.

October 8 1998. A compiler bug surfaced in conjunction with upgrading from CWPro3 to CWPro4 a week prior to the 3.0 release, and while it appears to affect only the built-in database subscriber format which has now been fixed in the 3.0.1b1 upload (server applications only), I'll wait a few days to make sure before releasing 3.0.1.

May 2 1998. Updated the SIMS page to be accurate for SIMS 1.6.

February 20 1997. If you are using the newly released EIMS 2.1b1, be sure to upgrade to AutoShare 2.2b0, as EIMS 2.1b1 may not terminate lines in Save As Files with a CR. AutoShare 2.2b0 supports CR (Macintosh), CRLF (PC) and LF (Unix).

December 4 1997. If you are using the newly released EIMS 2.0, please notice that the Mail Folder has been moved inside the EIMS 2.0 application folder, which means that you must reconfigure your Incoming Mail folder in AutoShare.

Last updated on January 10 1999 by Mikael Hansen